Conference Topics

MIND, BODY & SOUL Part I: Investing in the Future

Special Opening Conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Opening Conversation: Shaping the Future of Health Care for a Healthier World
The new vision for health care is not only about access, quality, and affordability. It’s also about predictive, preventive, and outcomes-based care models that promote social and financial inclusion. Our opening session will examine the opportunities and challenges ahead of us to create a healthier society that begins with the individual. Leaders on the front lines share how innovation and technology are accelerating breakthroughs and transforming health care delivery to create a healthier world for everyone.

The Power of Preparedness: Investing in Better Health and Response
The global response to COVID-19 has been accelerated by collaboration in data sharing, research, and epidemiological surveillance. As we re-examine our global health architecture, how do we improve future rapid response and build on lessons learned around preparedness, new vaccine development and distribution and, importantly, prevention? Leaders share what comes next.

Religion and the Pandemic
Religious leaders discuss topics ranging from why we have a pandemic to our social responsibilities...and how we can have an impact.

MIND, BODY & SOUL Part II: Innovations in Prevention, Treatment, and Sustainability

The Link Between Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease and cancer are intimately linked. Both are inflammatory diseases with shared risk factors; patients with one are at greater risk of developing the other. Even drugs and treatment that produce great outcomes for one can trigger equally serious complications for the other. A pioneering scientist in cancer research and an internationally known cardiologist discuss the critical importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the prevention and treatment of two leading causes of death in the U.S.

The Intersection of Anthropology and Neuroscience: Unraveling the Mysteries of Brain Inflammation
So much about how the brain works is still a mystery. We do know, however, that the brain itself gives us insight about ourselves as humans and our various environments. How can we protect ourselves against inflammation, and even potentially rewire our brain to change the way we see the world? Two experts will discuss the latest findings in neuroinflammation and how targeting it might be the key to beating Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Brain Health Rock Stars
Dr. Rudy Tanzi of Harvard/MGH is a rock star in brain research. Joe Perry—lead guitarist of Aerosmith—is a rock star’s rock star. Tanzi, a skillful keyboardist, has recorded albums with the iconic band and Joe Perry. He says the best music comes from the same source as the best science: by letting ideas flow and run wherever they want to go. He speaks to his friend and collaborator about creativity in music, science, and the brain.

Can Music Touch the Heart?
Leading lights from the worlds of music and medicine share their research and findings about the many ways music is being used for patients with heart failure and cardiovascular disease. This conversation will explore how music impacts us as human beings and the benefits listening to music can bring to our biological and psychological dimensions.

Are We What We Eat?
The Impact of Culture on What We Eat...and The Impact of What We Eat on Our Health.
Eating healthfully improves the wellbeing of individuals, communities, and the planet. But optimizing dietary health for all requires a convergence of solutions. Experts join forces to discuss how ‘food as medicine’ is transforming the way we approach health research and health care, food systems, and our cultural connections to what and how we eat.

Religious Dietary Practices and Health
Religious dietary practices have been shown to impact our health. From how animals are treated to the types of food that are ingested to fasting, health and longevity can be improved. Religious leaders will share their insights.

Beauty from the Inside Out
Healthy living secrets and how to be on the top of your game for health, beauty and fitness from the inside out.

Unite to Prevent Cancer
The cancer death rate has dropped almost 30% since 1991, saving almost three million lives. The biggest factor lies in prevention. People forgoing smoking are driving a decline in deaths from lung cancer. Now, how to spread that miracle to the rest of the world? Two leaders discuss how policy can impact health care, and how we can prevent up to 50% of all future cancers by promoting the healthful practices that already work, using a multidisciplinary approach to focus on the young to eliminate preventable cancer.

Precision Guided Care: From Prevention to Detection and Treatment
New advances in immune and genetic therapies are letting us detect cancer earlier and fight it more effectively, producing dramatically better outcomes in even late-stage disease. Yet the debate rages over whether cancer results from genetic vs. environmental factors. Coming soon: deploying our genes and proteins as internal biomarkers to enable more precise and cost-effective diagnoses. One day, new “living drugs,” made from a patient’s own immune cells, will cure once incurable cancers. Experts share their insights on the latest developments.

Novel Approaches and Platforms for Treating Disease
The industry is scoring victories against cancer, viruses and autoimmune diseases with a new generation of vaccines and therapies utilizing mRNA, gene modification T cells and NK cells. Thousands of new therapies are now in clinical trials. Visionary biopharma leaders will discuss the excitement around using our immune system and modifying DNA to treat disease.

Part I: Revolutionizing Cell Therapy
As you approach different diseases, it is clear that they result from an aberration of normal cellular mechanics. The cells lose their ability to repair and restore normal structure and function. The placental cell platform allows the development of therapeutics that are rich in ‘stemness.’ Two experts will discuss how to unleash the power of stemness through the placental platform and utilize the inherent cellular capabilities.

Part II: Comprehensive COVID-19 Solutions
A biotech leader shares a comprehensive multi-modal approach to COVID-19 that spans diagnostics, prevention, early intervention and rescue therapies. A deep dive into what happens when attacking a virus—from the diagnostic to the prognostic to the therapeutic—and the solutions that have the flexibility to rapidly address mutations to prevent the devastation of a pathogen.

Part III: A New Generation of Vaccines
A leader of the biopharma revolution will engage on what's next in bringing a new class of medicines and vaccines forward around the company’s messenger RNA technology. We’ll hear first-hand about the mRNA platform which allows scientists to create experimental vaccines solely from the genetic code of the virus without needing live samples. The real value beyond COVID-19: how we apply this next-generation technology to a range of diseases.

The Future of CRISPR-Based Therapies for Disease
We are lucky to live in a golden age of medical breakthroughs. Gene editing and CRISPR-based therapeutics show promise for taking on sickle cell disease, HIV, cancer and other illnesses. Hear how one health care executive is taking the promise of CRISPR and turning it into a reality, rapidly advancing clinical trials to bring these much-needed therapies to patients. A look at the balance between genomic progress and ensuring that this breakthrough technology is used responsibly to treat, cure and prevent genetic disease.

Healthy Aging with Dignity and Purpose
Researchers are calling it “Health Span:” not just lengthening life, but making it better every step of the way, empowering people to live their best lives with dignity and purpose. A leading dynamic change agent makes the case for a comprehensive approach to wellbeing, healthy aging and pursuing purpose at any age, strengthening communities and society. Some of the most advanced thinking on longevity, aging and the potential to create integrated solutions and services to help all generations pursue their dignity and purpose will be highlighted.

A patient's illness affects family and loved ones. Two incredible individuals talk about their love of family and how they balance family and career while providing nurturing care with dignity and devotion.

Human Enhancement
Human beings have always strived to overcome their limitations and enhance their capabilities. How far should we go, and what are the anthropological, societal and cultural consequences of human enhancement? Should human beings be “open beings” to be modified and enhanced, and what are the unintended consequences that may occur through the use of enhancing technologies such as CRISPR, human-brain interfaces, bionics and other new technologies?

MIND, BODY & SOUL Part III: Maintaining a Healthy Mind

Religion, Spirituality and Health: The Importance of Dialogue
Prominent faith leaders discuss how to create, encourage and curate the dialogue necessary to bring about greater understanding and foster shared beliefs among individuals, religions, nations and communities. As our global society continues to face unprecedented challenges, our future strength and success lie in building bridges of human compassion and spirituality in health and wellbeing.

Bridging Science and Faith
As one of the most respected scientists in the United States, Dr. Francis Collins, who leads the National Institutes of Health, has long tried to bridge the perceived gap between science and faith. His bestselling book in 2006 argues that scientific inquiry and Christianity are not incompatible and that religious faith can inspire scientific discovery. Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, Dr. Collins has urged faith communities to trust the science to fight the disease. He shares how faith has informed his response to the pandemic and his work to reconcile science and religion.

The Neuroscience of Empathy and Compassion
Empathy—the ability to understand and care about how other people feel—can alter our brains and impact society. How can we harness the latest findings in neuropsychology to increase empathy and unite society? Pioneers in the science of empathy and compassion share their big ideas, research and strategies for training our brains to improve our mental and physical health. They break down why human connection and understanding of others are critical to our lives, helping us to get along, work more effectively, and thrive as a society.

Transformative Programs for Mental Health and Substance Abuse
The intertwining web of mental health disorders, substance abuse, and addiction requires transformative new programs to help patients and their families prevent injuries and violence, and deal with the implications and effects in their lives and communities. Advocates are bridging that gap by creating new tools and programs to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges and crises for young people who need help and aren’t getting it. A conversation on gains and goals and real-world solutions to eradicate stigma, empower youth and keep people safe, healthy and productive.

The Loneliness Epidemic
Obesity, alcohol addiction, cigarette smoking—these threats to public health have a new rival in lethality: loneliness. This feeling of a loss of one’s sense of relevancy cuts across generations and reaches around the globe. In the U.S., 40 million people live alone, and one in three people age 45+ say they feel lonely. It increases the likelihood of death by up to 32%. Whether social media can help is debatable. Two experts offer advice on what can be done about it.

Payer-Provider Partnerships and Value-Based Care: Treating the Entire Person Not Just the Disease
We are on the cusp of a new generation of health care, transitioning from treating patients in a siloed system based on fee-for-service to value-based models that include medical and mental health treatment. This will redefine the concept of prevention for mind and body in their entirety. Payer-provider partnerships are key to promoting this movement. Leading executives from a major health care provider and health insurance company share how they have aligned their goals, working collaboratively to transform the delivery of health care to lower costs, improve quality outcomes, and enhance the patient experience.

MIND, BODY & SOUL Part IV: Innovative Models and Technologies to Reduce Health Disparities

Disrupting Health Care Through Technology and Innovation
Technological innovations have radically changed the way the health care industry operates. Hear why those changes can have big, global implications, propelling the patient to the epicenter of care.

Medicine Outside the Hospital
Health care occurs in more places than just hospitals, doctors’ offices and pharmacies. Where you live, what you eat and how much, your access to care and education and transportation: these factors can matter as much as medicine. Insurers and health care systems are waking up to this reality and how technology can help to bridge the digital divide and improve access and care. Experts share how they are deploying technology to provide patient-centered care, reduce costs, and save lives.

Building A More Equitable Health System for All
Visionaries who have dedicated their lives to strengthening health systems and eliminating health disparities across vulnerable and disenfranchised populations share how their innovative initiatives and geographically targeted investments will improve human health around the world. Their mission: building a more equitable health system for all.

Investing in Health and Healing Around the World
A top executive of a progressive ‘world clinic,’ working to improve the human condition globally by implementing medical care within a system that is accessible and sustainable in communities throughout the world.

Quelling the Quandary of Drug and Therapy Affordability for Chronic Diseases
By most measures, $2 million a year for a new cancer drug for one patient is indefensible — until the patient is your loved one. How can we move toward a more value-based pricing system while still ensuring that companies can fund the cost of bringing innovative new drugs to market? Experts discuss competition and efficiency in the health care market, the market failures of drug pricing, and the solutions that can help patients access affordable drugs that improve the quality of their lives.

MIND, BODY & SOUL Part V: Innovations in Prevention, Treatment, and Sustainability

Getting Out in Front of Diabetes
We have a compelling chance not just to treat type 1 diabetes but to prevent it and preempt it – as early as infancy. Public-private and academic partnerships can accelerate our ability to improve human health through innovation. A new program is screening tens of thousands of infants for nascent signs of the disease. It looks for the presence of circulating autoantibodies to determine which infants might develop type 1 diabetes. This also lets them match patients to whichever clinical trial is best for their version of the disease. To accelerate the program, additional collaborators will be included.

A Personalized Approach to Rare Diseases
In the promised future where all patients will receive personalized care tailored to their genetic and environmental circumstances, EVERYONE becomes a patient with a rare disease: their unique particular version. New solutions that can scale for rare diseases will pave the road for personalized medicine. Learn the latest from a handful of pioneers as they learn from one another.

Drug Development for Rare Diseases
Rare disease therapies are being developed at a faster pace than ever before. But there is still a long way to go to address the unmet needs of patients living with one of the 7,000 rare diseases. Get a behind-the-scenes preview of how we can shape a better framework for orphan drug development through innovation and collaboration to develop stronger resources and better outcomes, using more regulatory flexibility to advance and review rare disease products and find cures for the community.

Accelerating the Path to Regenerative Medicine
The field of regenerative medicine holds great promise for the future.
How can we accelerate the clinical development process so that patients can benefit from this emerging field? Only by working together can the path to approval be optimized.

Living Healthily to 120 and Beyond
Scientists look to the future, analyzing the genetics of longevity and sharing groundbreaking research that is redefining approaches to treating and preventing multiple age-related diseases. We look beyond increasing healthy longevity to how we can extend healthy human lifespans and even reverse the aging process.

How Do You Define the Soul?
Religious leaders discuss their understanding of the soul and share insights into how the mind, body and soul are interrelated.

The Relationship Between Mind, Body and Soul
Human beings have always tried to identify the ways in which their minds, bodies and souls are interrelated. What is the relationship among thought and consciousness in the human mind, the brain as part of the physical body, and the soul as our spiritual center? And how do these interactions make us unique?

MIND, BODY & SOUL Part VI: Innovation, Technology and Changing the World

What Does it Mean to be Human?
Human beings are capable of great acts of kindness, selflessness, heroism and altruism. Yet, we can see some of these characteristics in animals, too. Experts in philosophy and neuroscience, as well as the world’s top expert on chimpanzees, ethologist, anthropologist, and conservationist, Jane Goodall, will explore the question of what it means to be human.

Humanity and Humility
Humanity is the bridge uniting us—and as human beings we are all equal in the eyes of God. Leaders of faith share their insights on the brotherhood of humanity and the power of compassion toward all, regardless of religion, race or other differences that supposedly separate us.

Sustainable Health Care: Protecting Our Environment
A visionary investor shares his insights on improving the health of people around the globe, how protecting the environment can aid human health, and bridge social divides.

Creating a Better World for All Stakeholders
Salesforce Co-Founder, Chair and CEO Marc Benioff believes the business of business is to improve the state of the world. When he started Salesforce in 1999, he implemented the 1-1-1 model, giving 1% of Salesforce product, equity and employees’ time back to the community. Today, the model has been adopted by more than 12,000 companies worldwide. From his initiatives to create a sustainable, low-carbon future for all to his values-based leadership, Benioff shares how businesses can drive sustainable financial performance while equitably serving the needs of all stakeholders.

A Prize for Persistence in Medical Innovation
The Sanford Lorraine Cross Award honors an individual pioneering change through a medical breakthrough, innovation or treatment to transform global health. It starts with a $1 million prize, and it continues with a life-changing impact for us all. The winner of this year’s award discusses their breakthrough and their hopes for using the new prize to spark more scientific discovery.

Harnessing Tech and AI to Improve Health Around the World
State-of-the-art technology is helping us improve health care around the world. The pandemic has exposed the fragilities of our public health systems. Cloud-based technology and AI can streamline processes, enable smarter allocation of resources, and fortify public health infrastructures. Health care workers have been heroes during the pandemic. However, many of them are burned-out, and the time spent documenting in the EHR is a major contributing factor. Automated “virtual scribe” technology allows clinicians to spend less time on keyboards and more time with patients. Access to high-quality affordable health care is a major need across the globe. 3D holographic imaging helps a surgeon in New York coach another surgeon in Uganda—during a procedure. A leader at the forefront of this revolution shares his experiences.

The Ethics of Data and AI
Experts examine today’s most pressing ethical issues related to data and AI and explore ways that organizations can leverage technology to benefit humankind.

Extending Care Through Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring
Half of the world’s population lacks access to essential health care
services. Patients and providers around the world are turning to telehealth and remote monitoring for relief from an overstressed, under-delivering system. Two experts share how they are effectively deploying telehealth strategies to reduce health care costs, improve access and increase positive health outcomes, particularly in chronically ill patients.

Health Care, Data and the Covid Crisis
Judy Faulkner turned her passion for computer coding into Epic, a software firm specializing in electronic health records. She founded the company in 1979 in the basement of an apartment house, with $70,000 and two part-time assistants. It has grown into one of the country’s largest companies in the field. She shares her insights on the state of interoperability, how Epic has responded to the COVID-19 crisis and some of the lessons learned along the way. A vision for what comes next in health care.

The Next Generation of Philanthropy
Renowned philanthropists who dedicate time, talent and treasure share how they are tackling pressing issues that make life better for the individual, the community and the world. These visionaries share their big ideas and approaches to improve humanity, addressing social challenges that afflict people around the world to decrease social disparities.

The Power of Selflessness
MSNBC and NBC News journalist Richard Lui opens up about becoming a family caregiver and the unexpected power of selflessness that makes you happier and healthier. He shares his vision for how selflessness offers a different, approachable path to inclusion and practical tips on how and why living selflessly can bring joy despite adversity.

Private Virtual Audience for Participants with Holy Father, Pope Francis
(officially scheduled, subject to world events)